3 Questions | The Book
What would happen if you asked a complete stranger three questions?
This book is the result.
MEASURING 6"x9" (15x23 cm) printed in FULL (economy) COLOR (or COLOUR if you prefer that spelling).
INCLUDES a foreword written by @ello Chief Product Officer Lucian Föhr (@lucian) and an introduction by me, Jeremy Burnich of Joy Complex (@joycomplex).
AND featuring the insights, wisdom, dreams, likes, dislikes, and more from 45 members of the Community (46 if you include Fake Mark Zuckerberg).
Kervin Brisseaux - @brisseaux
Firoze Shakir - @firoze_shakir
Trevor Van Meter - @heytvm
Anneke Wastyn - @anneke-wastyn
Lola Dupré - @loladupre
Joel Pedersen - @joelpedersen
Carson Chan - @carsonchan
Paige Williams - @beneaththestars
Dirk Marwig - @dirkmarwig
Hexeosis - @hexeosis
Ricardo Porto - @portostreetshooting (in memoriam)
Paulo Abrantes - @pauloabrantes
Andreas Reh - @andreasreh
Brendan B. Goat - @b_goat
Tim McFarlane - @timmcfarlaneart
Shut Up Cláudia! - @shutupclaudia
Loris F. Alessandria - @loriseffe
Miles Partington - @milespartington
Maude White - @maude_alta
Katalin Branner - @katatratra
Mark Zuckerberg - not on
Marie Meier - @mariemeierart
Aunia Kahn - @auniakahn
James Arzente - @jarzente
Don Nelson - @dbriannelson
Your Daily Bread - @yourdailybread
Jay Halsey - @jayhalsey
Heiko Müller - @heikomuller
Studio Soufflé - @studiosouffle
Chris Bathgate - @chrisbathgate
Christopher Hoffmann Jacob - @chdesignchris
Neil Howard - @neilhoward
Hans Juergen Sommerfeld - @hjs-photo
Guido Gloor Modjib - @haslo
Catchphrase Dan - @catchphrasedan
DeShaun Craddock - @deshaunicus
Matthew Schiavello - @matthewschiavello
Clayton Shonkwiler - @shonk
Rajiv Pachat - @morpheus2004
Elias Stein - @elias_stein
Shinsuke Matsumoto - @beatgram
Dominique Trudeau - @domtru
Andy Hau - @andyhau
Tony Curado - @truevisionphotos
Riccardo Sabatini - @riccardosabatini
Christiann MacAuley - @xiann
All for the bargain price of: $20 USD
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