LIGO Detected Gravitational Waves from Black Holes . . .
. . . so I decided to make this paperweight to commemorate the birth of Gravitational Wave Astronomy!
It features a stylized representation of LIGO Hanford on the obverse and LIGO Livingston on the reverse with the ACTUAL chirp pattern of gravitational waves detected by each facility.
To make this memento of the historic event (that physicists are rightfully freaking out about) I decided to adapt the technique I use to 3D print sound waves on steel dog tags. First I located and isolated the wave forms from the publicly released audio conversion of the gravitational waves detected by LIGO.
I took that information and created a 3D model of the wave forms. Then I went on google maps and searched for an arial view of the two LIGO facilities and made a 3D model that would represent them accurately. I discovered that the facilities look exactly the same! That gave me the idea to put each on one side of the paperweight along with the "chirp" they detected.
I think the perfect material for these paperweights is steel. It is supposed to be able to weigh down paper! Unfortunately, it takes about 14 days to print these in metal so I created some renders to show what the paperweight would look like.
It is currently available on the 3D printing marketplace Shapeways.
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