Modūlus jewelry is configurable by customers and open to designers. It is the worlds first modular custom jewelry system. A completely new vision in jewelry design made possible through 3D printing. The modūlus collection can be seen and is available for initial purchase here. It is at the forefront of the custom jewelry movement.
The key to modūlus are the connectors - viro (male) and virino (female). From these basic parts anything is possible. Rings literally snap together to match your mood, your outfit, your own style. Pendants morph into new colors and textures. Rough metals nestle with soft polished metals.
Variations on the classic band make up the first collection dubbed Bando. Even with simple building blocks pleasing rings can take shape that can match any mood and any style. Different bands have different modūlus conectors - the viro and virino. As amazing as it seems, this collection can be configured in over 1,700 ways.
The current collection features eight different Bando:
• Bando Viro - a 1mm band with two Viro connectors
• Bando Virino - a 1 mm band with two Virino cavities
• Duoble Viro - a 1 mm band with four Viro connectors
• Duoble Virino - a 1 mm band with four Virino cavities
• Granda Bando Viro - a 2 mm band with two Viro connectors
• Granda Bando Virino - a 2 mm band with two Virino cavities
• Duoble Granda Viro - a 2 mm band with four Viro connectors
• Duoble Granda Virino - a 2 mm band with four Virino cavities
These eight rings give a large number of possible style combinations fit for every style at any budget.
However, to show what is possible with modūlus, I created a showcase piece of the first collection: Triangulo. It shows what is possible though more complex implementation of the viro and virino. This beautiful ring can be configured in over 286 ways.
The Triangulo is made of three parts:
• Triangulo Sen
• Triangulo Ene
• Triangulo Sen
Because Bando and Triangulo are part of the modūlus system other designs can be created that are compatible and complimentary to the original design. Thus all designs are in effect infinitely customizable. Modūlus is the future of custom jewelry.
If you would like more information about modūlus or a notification when more designs are added please use this special sign up form.
- Various Bando
- Viro Connector on Bando
- Two Granda Bando Interlocked
- Three Bando Interlocked
- Three Bando Interlocked
- Two Bando Interlocked
- Sen and Ene showing Virino Connector
- Viro Connector on Sen
- Triangulo
- Triangulo Interlocked
- Triangulo on Lotus
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