Custom Jewelry for Parents

Truly Unique Jewelry Based On Your Child’s Heartbeat

Baby Heartbeat Pendant

I can turn your unborn baby’s heartbeat into a unique and special piece of jewelry that you will treasure.

When you get an ultrasound you can record the heartbeat with your phone or ask the technician to record it.  Just send the file to Joy Complex and I will be in touch!

Our jewelry is the perfect way to celebrate your baby’s first heartbeat, first cry, or even their first words!

The possibilities are as limitless as your imagination!

The Process

Record Your Baby's Heartbeat

When you get an ultrasound you can record the heartbeat with your phone or see if the technician can send you a copy of the heartbeat sound file. Other sound files will work too - such as a laugh, a giggle, etc.

I Make a 3D Model

I will take the recording you send me and make a model of the actual sound wave forms using CAD software. Here is a model of the heartbeat turned into a pendant. They can be turned into earrings, bracelets, and even rings!

The Model is Cast in the Material of Your Choice

Using the latest 3D printing technology, the model is created in silver or gold - platinum is available too.

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  • Pendant in .925 Sterling Silver
  • Pendant Aprox 50 mm tall | width varies
  • Includes matching 18" - 24" Silver Plated Chain.
  • baby heartbeat set
