December 9, 2019Comments are off for this post.

2019 Instagram Account of the Year

Selected by J O Y C O M P L E X

There are over 1 Billion monthly active Instagram users. Every day users “like” over 4.2 billion images of things. The most popular image? An ordinary egg. 

There isn’t any possible way to go through all of those Instagram accounts. But we took a sampling. This year we actively followed several. 

One in our little collection stood out. It showed, in a fun way, something being used. 

That something? The Municipal Library of Akureyri - succinctly said in Icelandic as Amtsbókasafnið á Akureyri - @amtsbokasafnid.

If you don't want to scroll through, here is a video that shows what you'd see. 

Scrolling through the Instagram feed of The Municipal Library of Akureyri

Doesn’t it look like a great place to visit? It shows the library being used in all sorts of fun and interesting ways. It has the obligatory photos of people reading. But it also shares images of children learning. And documents adult-sized people acting silly.

The images are both inspired and inspiring.  

And if you can read Icelandic, you should read the descriptions. There are mini-interviews of the staff. Humorous descriptions. And informative insights into books. 

The best kind of advertising is truthful in showing how something can be used. This feels like a truthful and inviting window into a wonderful institution. It's also an innovative and clever use of the platform.

Amtsbókasafnið á Akureyri

Brekkugötu 17, 600 Akureyri

Sími: 460 1250


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